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"As an RN and a massage therapist This was an outstanding class, Eeris was a great speaker and teacher"

"Great content, variety of teaching methods, great question and answer support."

"Eeris is such a great teacher and presented this workshop thoroughly and heartfully. She thinks outside the box. This course was extraordinary!"

"Eeris was very approachable respectful open to sharing her own experience"

"This class is so important and beneficial for me as a person, a friend, and a CMT. I was very pleased with this class, I never once wanted to rush out and go home…"

"Such valuable information is presented here! I feel more confident working with breast cancer patients!"

"I have a much better understanding of what I should and should not be doing with BC patients. The best part of the class was working with actual survivors. I also learned great new techniques."

“I would characterize Eeris’s teaching style as friendly, informative, nurturing, practical and yet firm. I was empowered to incorporate more breathing and a greater awareness into my sessions.”

“The Massage and Breast Cancer Class was Amazing. Eeris was an awesome instructor and her energy was unreal... The cancer survivors that shared their stories were truly the bravest people I have ever met..... This is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been involved in... I thank all of you from my heart.”


“Eeris, thanks so much for three most inspiring and educational days I have ever had! You were simply awesome and the class was uplifting! Walked away with more than I could ask for!”

 "This class exceeded my expectations, I learned new techniques that bring more movement into my massage. 


"I increased my knowledge of neck work, learned stretches I will definitely use. Learned a whole new way of working with problem areas. This class was more than I expected."  


 "I was given tools for my own enrichment as well as for my clients' healing and growth."


It was great to be shown how to use the sideline position to open up a whole tool box of movements that I can use on some of my clients who have trouble being prone.”

Core Alignment Technique-

Student's' Testimonials



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Massage Therapy and Breast cancer- Class Testimonials

Massage Therapy and Breast cancer- Class Testimonials

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Core Alignment Technique - Testimonial K.Edwards

Core Alignment Technique - Testimonial K.Edwards

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