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Eeris Kallil

Lic. Massage Therapist.
Certified Lymphedema Therapist 

I am an established Massage Therapist and healing arts practitioner, serving Boulder County for more than thirty-five years.

In 1985 I took my first massage class in the living room of my beloved teacher Shari Sunshine in Jerusalem, Israel. It was a weekly small class but fundamental in shaping my future on the healing path. In 1986 I moved to the USA to become a Certified Massage Therapist. I attended the Boulder School of Massage Therapy and successfully graduated in 1988.
My graduation was only the starting point of the never-ending journey of studies and explorations. I continued to acquire techniques like Zen Shiatsu, Quantum Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Chinese Medicine Theory, Energy work, Oncology Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and more.

Through the decades of my practice, my work has morphed and evolved into a unique intuitive style which I call Intu-Atsu, my signature work. Intu-Atasu is an intuitive body-mind-centered work that is based on the wisdom of Zen Shiatsu, Chinese Medicine Theory, and the nurturing comfort of a Swedish Massage.

I am also the founder of the Core Alignment Technique, which was inspired by my teacher Shari’s work, with additional flavor of my own including bits from Shiatsu/Thai stretches, and Energy Work.

In 2000 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After my full recovery, I wanted to help and support others who are going through a health crisis, especially breast cancer patients. I am now specialized in Manual Lymph Drainage and Oncology massage for Breast Cancer Patients; helping women through their treatments and recovery.

In 2001 I developed an oncology massage training specifically geared toward working with breast cancer patients. My classes are NCBTMB-approved.

In 2014 I was honored to be one of the inductees of the World Massage Festival's Massage Hall Of Fame (See below)

I provide preventative maintenance and therapeutic care for people from all walks of life and all ages. I am honored to be part of people’s journeys into their healing path.

Teaching career: 

I was a faculty member at the Boulder College of Massage Therapy from 1999- 2008, teaching Zen-Shiatsu and Movement. 

During that time I developed my continuing education courses which include:


  • "Massage Therapy and Breast Cancer” (MTaBC) 24 CE Hours

  • "Core Alignment Technique" (CAT) 15 CE Hours

  • "Shiatsu Review and Intro to Intu-Atsu" 8-16 CE Hours

I am certified by NCBTMB as an Approved Provider.

To download a resume click on the PDF icon

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Click here to read the long version of my story... 



Hall of Fame

Eeris Kallil was inducted to the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame

at the 

World Massage Festival

on July 21st, 2014.

Click here to watch Eeris' 

acceptance speech

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